Quiet Systems
eRacks Quiet Rackmount and Desktop Computers
eRacks design experts eliminate the familiar noisy computer hum, by using a special combination of ultra-quiet chassis fans, strategic chassis and component choice, arrangement, and low-noise drives.
For extreme noise-sensitive and high-power environments, liquid cooling can be utilized on a custom quote basis.
The systems shown here are designed to be silent, or quiet enough to be below the background noise level of all but the quietest office environment or studio.
Other eRacks systems can be modified to minimize noise (we call this "Quietization(tm)"), but will usually not be as quiet as these systems, which are designed with noise elimination in mind. Call or email eRacks to discuss your requirements and our solutions.
All eRacks systems are configured with your choice of operating system including Ubuntu Linux®, Linux Mint, Debian, CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat®, Arch Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, openSUSE, and more! As always, custom configurations available upon request. Call or email us; we build to order!
Even qieter and more expandable than the eRacks/QUIET - Our 2U-height eRacks/QUIET2 is our most popular QUIET model.
Without the proper design to insure adequate cooling, rackmount systems are susceptible for overheating.
Be wary of "server quietization kits" since the entire layout and design of the system must be considered to eliminate noise without danger of overheating.
eRacks engineers have extensive experience in server quietization, and each eRacks system is put through intensive testing.
eRacks offers custom configurations. Email info@eracks.com for more information. eRacks also offers network consulting and open source migration services.

This whisper-quiet 2U rackmount system is an ideal performer in noise restricted environments. The usual test that we use for our quiet systems at eRacks is the "Is it on?" test. If you're not sure if it's on (and without looking at or seeing the power LED), if you can't tell if the unit is powered on, then we've succeeded in meeting our QuietByDesign(tm) goals.
This ultra-quiet 3U rackmount system is our most versatile member of our QUIET rackmount line, and also our quietest..
Perfect for Broadcast, Studio, DAW, or any other noise-restricted environment, even simply a quiet office. This is the model we use internally as development workstations (coupled with a 4K monitor, it makes for an outstanding distraction-free focusing environment for our techs).
The usual test that we use for our quiet systems at eRacks is the "Is it on?" test.
If you're not sure if it's on (and without looking at or seeing the power LED), if you can't tell if the unit is powered on, then we've succeeded in meeting our QuietByDesign(tm) goals.

This high-performance brushed-aluminum system is designed to be completely silent. "Is it on?" Is our favorite test. The door has a rubber gasket around it and there is sound-deadening foam in the inside of the top and side. Our sound measurements of a running system were 31.5 - 32.5 dB at a baseline of 28 - 30 dB.