Archived system - eRacks/VPN

This product is no longer available. It is now one of our Legacy Systems. We can quote you an updated version, with modern hardware - Contact Us today.
The standard configuration includes:
· Intel Celeron Dual Core or Core 2 Duo
· Single Netgear GA311 10/100/1000 network card
· SATA II hard drive
· DDR2 memory
· Floppy & CD/DVD
· Secure OpenBSD OS
for each system in the pair.
A standard configuration for each system in a matched pair is $845.
If you wish to purchase a matched pair, configure the first, add to cart, and then change the quantity to two. Please add any special configuration notes to your order or contact us for additional answers or instructions.
Original base price when this SKU was active: $845
Contact us today for a quote on this system or similar!