Network Attached Storage (NAS) Rackmount Servers
eRacks/NAS servers are different from the rest - more flexible, more configurable, and tailored to your needs - and are growing as a result.
Our NAS servers allow all authorized users to access to company data 24×7, and eRacks/NAS servers help provide tremendous competitive advantages, increase levels of customer service, and extend the collaborative reach across any project, at any company.
A rackmount NAS, or Network Attached Storage device, is simply a rackmount server attached to a network, with appropriate software to make the storage on it accessible over the network in question to authorized users.
The network can be local, such as a LAN, small business, home, corporate or campus-wide network, or the Internet itself - with most use-cases including a combination of these.
NAS servers are flexible, and can scale out as well as scale up, meaning that as you need additional storage, you can add to what you have, instead of just getting a bigger one.
A NAS sever can be like having a faster, local private cloud in the office, or, installed at your colo (or hosted at eRacks' facility!), can be the basis for your private cloud itself. It’s faster, less expensive and provides all the benefits of a public cloud but on your site or at your disposal, giving you complete control, and complete privacy.
The key features of eRacks rackmount NAS Servers are,
- Simple to operate.
- No dedicated IT professional required to maintain.
- Lower cost.
- Easy data backup and it’s always accessible when you need it.
- Good at centralizing data storage in a safe, reliable way.
- Compatible with all OSes like, Unix/Linux, MacOS, Windows and Android.
NAS servers typically cost less than normal servers of the same storage level. This cost savings allows for more money in the budget to spend on other initiatives which could greatly benefit your small business and enterprises. Not only does the cost savings include the initial purchase, but NAS devices are typically far cheaper to maintain than other servers.
Unlike some other offerings our=t there, eRacks NAS rackmount servers include a fully-functional operating system, with full access to the OS's packagin system for additional applications - This allows you to install a variety of applications to extend the functionality of your rackmount NAS server including office security surveillance, backup services, disaster recovery backups, company knowledge base, etc.
Most NAS devices have their own Cloud service, which allows you to remotely access or even synchronize your data on devices with an internet connection. You can also share your data with others through the Cloud without a 3rd party needing to have any specific software on their end, and without Google, or others scraping your data.
eRcks installable and configurable software offerings for our NAS rackmount servers include Ceph, GlusterFS, LizardFS, GFS, CloudStack, OpenStack, OpenNebula, Samba, or your choice of NAS / Cloud / Near-line storage software & solutions.
There are numerous features and benefits of eRacks/NAS servers for home, small businesses and large enterprises:
- Cheap and Affordable: eRacks/NAS Servers are cheap and affordable for all type of users.
- Increased Business Efficiency: Uses only required hardware for use environment thus consume minimum power and save Cost and increase business efficiency.
- Heavy Data Transfer: Built for multi-user environments and with correct drives providing high workload rates for heavy data transfer operations.
- Data Security: Protect data from storage drive and hardware failure and provide high level data security with ZFS, NFS, GlusterFS, LizardFS, Ceph, MooseFS, GFS, etc for distributed file systems.
- Cloud Infrastructure: eRacks' own eVirt KVM-based cloud (Ceph available), OpenStack, CloudStack, Eucalyptus, or other Cloud infrastructure for your own private cloud.
- Varity of Use Environments: FreeNAS, OpenNAS, OpenFiler, OpenMedaVault, Samba, ATalk, NFS, rsync, and others for local on-premise LAN use or NAS.
- DropBox-Equivalent Functionality: NextCloud, Seafile or OwnCloud for your own private DropBox-equivalent functionality supported.
- Cross-Platform Support: eRacks offers a complete cross-platform solution - private / hybrid cloud server, file server, and total / SDS storage.
- High Scalability: As with ‘Start low and grow big as the business grows’ method, eRacks/NAS Servers provides high scalability with up to 1,152 TB or 1.125 PB of raw storage with 16TB of 3.5-inch Hard Drives and up to 3TB ECC/Reg. memory.
In case of individual, home use, small business or enterprise class requirement, eRacks/NAS servers are designed to provide high performances while use the lowest power and maximize the benefit. eRacks also offers system architecture and design services, including network design and private cloud architectures. If you need specific configuration or customized NAS server, just write the requirements on the "Get a Quote" field, email us or contact us as you see fit.
We've got you covered.

The eRacks/NAS4 is our 1U 4-drive bay NAS server, with enterprise-level features, power, and redundancy found in our larger NAS-series systems - a great storage server solution for companies that want a robust, reliable, professional-grade rackmount storage server with redundancy, while still 1U - and they may not yet need vast storage capacity, but still would like to have access to the same enterprise-level features as found in our higher-end storage servers, such as dual-CPU power, ECC RAM, and redundancy found in our larger NAS-series systems.
The unit can have up to 4 hot-swap 3.5" hard drives, CMR/PMR drives up to 18TB each, and SMR drives (WD, HGST, Seagate) Archive drives, up to a total capacity of 80 Terabytes of raw storage.
Compared to the consumer-grade solutions with similar features (1U, 4 drives), eRacks' solution is far more configurable, and of course fully open, with enterprise-class features such as RPS, ECC RAM, dual-CPU capabilities, and up to 4x GbE or 10GbE NICs.

The eRacks/NAS6 is a 2U Cloud-ready Storage / NAS server with 6 removable hard drives, as well as 3.5" and 5.25" external bays for peripherals.
- · 650W High-Efficiency Gold-level certified PS
- · Redundant power option available
- · 6x Hot-swap SATA / SAS hard drive bays
- · Dual-Xeon-capable, Xeon E5 standard
- · Max 1TB DDR3 Memory (1.5TB available via custom quote)
- · 3 PCI slots w/riser, or ~5 vertical LPPCI slots
- · Hardware RAID card

The eRacks/NAS8 is a 2U large capacity storage server with eight 3.5" hot-swap drive bays. With the latest 24TB+ drive technology eRacks/NAS8 storage server can provide hundreds of Terabytes of raw storage space.
OS drives include onboard NVMe, and 2x or 4x 2.5" SSD bays on request. There is also room for an available DVD/BD/CD Optical drive, and a 3U chassis version with vertical 3.5" drive bays.
eRacks/NAS8 is delivered pre-configured with the latest open source operating system and software per your requirements.
Drives are available in all the major brands (WD, Seagate, Toshiba) and the larger "Archive" SMR Drives are also available - ask us for a quote today!

With eRacks Systems' implementation of major-brand (HGST, Seagate, WD) 18 Terabyte hard drives, eRacks/NAS12 now stores up to 216 Terabytes of networked raw storage space.
Available by custom quote: eRacks/NAS12 with 8+4 drives - 4x NVMe SSDs for OS, Logs, etc - extremely fast!

eRacks/NAS16 is a mid-size, yet high-capacity network storage server with great pricing as well as power, capacity, and redundancy features that make it a top-of-the-line solution.
The 3U rackmount unit holds 16 hot-swap 3.5" drive bays, as well 2x SSD 2.5" hotswap drives, mirrored, for the OS, in the rear.
With the latest 18-Terabyte major-brand (HGST, WD, Seagate) hard drives by eRacks Systems, this unit is now a truly powerful storage server with up to 288 Terabytes of networked raw storage space to offer.
As with all eRacks Systems products, the server will come with customers’ choice of open source operating system and software, pre-configured and ready-to-use. eRacks/NAS16 is a great cloud storage solution. Low power usage by HGST drive units, now in use, makes this model a true green and eco-friendly solution.


Suitable for cloud storage, NAS/Local LAN usage, media libraries, or any number of other storage uses, the eRacks/NAS24 is a truly petascale solution - ten eRacks/NAS24 servers in a standard 42U-45U rack gives you up to a full 4.3 Petabytes - with rack space to spare for a UPS, KVM, Network switch/firewall, or other of eRacks' rack accessories.

The eRacks/NAS36 is a 4U Rackmount Storage / NAS / Cloud server with 36 drive bays. The system is 4U (four rack units) in height and has 12 3.5" hotswap SATA / SAS drive bays in front, and 12 more each on both sides, for 36 drive bays total.
This gives us a nice, compact server that's miserly on the rack U's while big on storage - when filled with "Sweet-spot" best-value 18 TB drives, it's 648TB for well under $22,000, when configured. With 26TB drives, it maxes out fully configured at Nearly a Petabyte!, still for well under $32,000.
With the larger Enterprise hard drives, it is a truly petascale solution in only 4U of rackspace.
With the Nearline Archive-purposed 32TB SMR drives, it is a truly miserly $cost/petabyte!

Our original flagship eRacks/NAS50 is a 9U rackmount storage server with 50 removable drive bays with over one full Petabyte (1100TB) of storage, or 1.3PB if using SMR / Nearline-storage drives - contact us today for a quote!.
Suitable for cloud storage, NAS/Local LAN usage, media libraries, SDS, Scale-Up, Scale-Out, or any number of other Enterprise Storage uses, the eRacks/NAS50 is a truly petascale solution - four eRacks/NAS50 servers in a standard 42u rack gives you 4.4 Petabytes - with room to spare for a UPS, KVM, Network switch/firewall, or other of eRacks' rack accessories.

Our new flagship eRacks/NAS60 is a 4U rackmount storage server with 60 removable drive bays with over 1300TB with standard HDs, and up to 1.5+PB of near-line storage with SMR drives.
Suitable for cloud storage, NAS/Local LAN usage, media libraries, or any number of other storage uses, the eRacks/NAS60 is a truly petascale solution - ten eRacks/NAS60 servers in a standard 42u rack gives you 13+ Petabytes of storage - with room to spare for a UPS, KVM, Network switch/firewall, or other of eRacks' rack accessories.

Our eRacks/NAS72 is a high-storage-density 4U rackmount storage server with 72 removable drive bays with over 1.5PB (Petabytes) of storage.
Suitable for Cloud Storage, OpenStack, SDS (Software-Defined Storage) with the leading Open Source SDS solutions, NAS/Local LAN usage, media libraries, or any number of other storage uses, the eRacks/NAS72 is a truly petascale solution - ten eRacks/NAS72 servers in a standard 42u rack gives you over 15PB (Petabytes) of raw storage - with 2U of room to spare for a UPS, KVM, Network switch/firewall, or other of eRacks' rackmount accessories.
- - Your choice of Cloud software is available, including OpenStack, CloudStack, Eucalyptus, OpenNebula, ProxMox, or other - just specify in the "Notes" field when you place your order or request a quote.
- - Your choice of Storage or SDS software, to fit inro a larger architecture or pre-existing cloud infrastructure - choices include Ceph, GlusterFS, MooseFS (an eRacks Partner), LizardFS (Also ans eRacks Partner), or others
- - Your choice of NAS software / OS is available on request, including Samba, EasyNAS, TrueNAS (Formerly FreeNAS), XigmaNAS (Formerly NAS4Free), OpenMediaVault, RockStor, or your choice - just specify it in the "Notes" field when you place your order.
- - Or, you may choose one of our regular distros, and/or simply ask for your preferred OS, packages, and storage options - Arch Linux, LizardFS, Ceph, MooseFS, Samba, NFS, Novell, Apple AFS, and any other available configuration requests - just add it in the Notes.
This model is available with single or dual multi-core Xeon or AMD CPUs.

Our eRacks/NAS100 is our highest storage density 4U rackmount server, with 102 removable drive bays with up to 2448TB of storage, or 2652TB with 26TB SMR drives.
Suitable for Cloud Storage, OpenStack, SDS (Software-Defined Storage) with the leading Open Source SDS solutions, NAS/Local LAN usage, media libraries, or any number of other storage uses, the eRacks/NAS100 is a truly petascale solution - ten eRacks/NAS100 servers in a standard 42u rack gives you over 24PB (Petabytes) of raw storage - with 2U of room to spare for a UPS, KVM, Network switch/firewall, or other of eRacks' rack accessories.
- Your choice of Cloud software is available, including OpenStack, CloudStack, Eucalyptus, OpenNebula, ProxMox, or other - just specify in the "Notes" field when you place your order or request a quote.
- - Your choice of Storage or SDS software, to fit inro a larger architecture or pre-existing cloud infrastructure - choices include Ceph, GlusterFS, MooseFS (an eRacks Partner), LizardFS (Also ans eRacks Partner), or others
- - Your choice of NAS software / OS is available on request, including Samba, FreeNAS, NAS4Free, OpenMediaVault, RockStor, or your choice - just specify it in the "Notes" field when you place your order.
- Or, you may choose one of our regular distros, and/or simply ask for your preferred OS, packages, and storage options - Arch Linux, LizardFS, Ceph, MooseFS, Samba, NFS, Novell, Apple AFS, and any other available configuration requests - just add it in the Notes.
This model is available with single and dual multi-core Intel Xeon or AMD Epyc CPUs.